How can we improve WHMCS?

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Annual Billing, Paid Monthly.

Paying monthly is already and option. Showing monthly prices for annual plans is already an option.

So far as I can tell, however, there is no option for someone to commit to an annual plan, but have the option of paying that over the course of 12 months, as opposed a lump sum.

In instances where someone is purchasing a dedicated server, there are setup fees for a rolling monthly commitment. If someone was to agree to have that server for 12 months, the setup fee would be waived and perhaps even a discount offered. This would still require the client to pay 12 months upfront.

This can cause "friction" during the sales process as they may not have the funds to do this upfront or it may not be viable from a cashflow perspective, so the option to be able to commit to an annual plan but pay monthly is needed. Without it, bigger companies are hogging market share as they offer this already.

I hope that is explained well enough. Any questions, please let me know.


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