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Allowing a Client to be Assigned to Multiple Client Groups

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It would be very helpful if you could assign a client to multiple client groups. As it is now, you can only assign them to one group. However, the ability to assign them to multiple groups, opens up a whole level of functionality to module development.

I have some modules, such as dashboards, that display detailed information about a client's services or relationship with my company. I use a client group to give the proper access to clients accounts (multiple client accounts for the same company need access). Also, you use client groups in the mass mail tool. I categorize my clients, in client groups, based on their main product/service interests. Even if someone signs up, and hasn't bought anything yet, they get assigned to a client group. This is very useful when using the mass mail tool.

Even though I don't use this feature, I know you can give discount percentages to the client groups (Group Discount). For multiple groups assigned to a client, I can see this possibly using the highest discount of all groups the client is assigned to. Another words, if the client is assigned to 3 groups and 2 have a 10% discount, but the 3rd has a 15% discount, they would get the 15% discount.


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Right now, the limitation of only being able to assign clients to a single group has been a real hindrance, especially when it comes to my dashboards and mass mailing capabilities.
Use Case: We leverage logical statements heavily to AUTOMATE personalized communication templates (invoices, welcome emails, products etc...) and target the client group assigned. By only being able to set a client to ONE group (such as "Automatic Withdrawl" or "VIP" group), it severely limits the possibilities of use. All clients fall into multiple GROUPS, but the current system things they only need to be in one.
This is going on 8 years now, please reconsider at making this feature request a reality.
Or better yet, introduce TAGS, and allow use to create and assign multiple client TAGS that can be leveraged in logical if/then statements just like client groups can be. Thank you.
Tags would be useful, yeah. Or how about using the custom fields? There'd need to be either a multi-select box or checkboxes with appropriate labels in the advanced search area. Alternatively, would custom queries to the database suit your use case?
Another useful feature we'd like to see.

Why we need this functionality:

Example #1: Let's say we have a reseller who has 100 domains to us. So we have assign him to Group "100 Domains" in order to get the domain prices for that group. However, let's assume he is also reselling our hosting plans. Due to the fact that he is assigned to a Domain Name Group, we cannot assign him to a Hosting Group. This means that we won't be able to provide him the ability to purchase cheaper hosting plans by himself with a discount.

With more Groups: We could add this client to "10% Discount" hosting group so that he also gets 10% discount on his hosting purchases.

Example #2: Let's say we have a reseller who has 10 large accounts to us. So we have assigned him to Group "Large Accounts" in order to give him faster support and better hosting plan prices. However, let's assume that we also want to give him the largest available discount for his domain purchases. Due to the fact that he is assigned to a Hosting Group, we cannot assign him to a Domain Name Group. This means that we won't be able to provide him the ability to purchase cheaper domain names by himself with a discount.

With more Groups: We could add this client to "1000+ Domains" group so that he also gets 50% discount on his domain purchases.

I hope that this explains the necessity of more Groups.
This would be incredibly useful. Really needs to be added.

It would allow us to work around so many other limitations withing WHMCS.
I also find it great useful to have such a feature to allow clients be added in more than one group,
This is such an obvious requirement. I can't understand why it wasn't setup that way in the first place.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
This should be merged with
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this is such an obvious requirement. I can't understand why it wasn't setup that way in the first place.
I would use this right now if it was available... Customers can upgrade to different services, which we would want them in seperate groups, so having the ability to add them to different groups would be ideal. Please see if this can be added.