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Allow State/Region Overrides

  • zitu4life shared this idea 5 years ago
  • Admin Area


We all expect to see in near future a way to override States\Region on WHMCS and not need to replace those files on every minor updates.
States are very important to better address each client, and sometimes in some country it is linked to invoices details. This is a need for most of WHMCS users.
We hope WHMCS developers looks on it and not let us wait for 2026 FIFA World Cup to get it made.
More than one thread on community also claim regarding this WHMCS issue.

kind regards


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With the new request system, you can now add 3 votes per month, to get this request more attention.
I had opened one specific for Ireland, ( ) but this idea is better, should be an overrides file.
We need the override as well, as for Denmark we have no states.

This causes issues when a client wants to update their client account details, as the state field is REQUIRED, even though you let it optional in GENERAL SETTINGS in WHMCS.