How can we improve WHMCS?

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Allow for Industry Standard E.164 international phone number format

WHMCS does not allow for a + in a phone number, meaning clients cannot use the industry standard E.164 phone numbers. Currently, an error message is returned ( see attached ).
See Twilio for details on how these numbers are formatted:
Merged Ideas
    Please allow international phone numbers
    currently the phone number validation does not allow for international numbers, e.g.+3312345789fails because of the +country codeit really needs to allow this as it is valid.


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WHMCS does not restrict entering '+' symbols into phone numbers so it is most likely some after-market customisations that are causing this . If you're unable to track it down please open a support ticket and our team will be happy to take a look at it for you.
I'm not sure what happened to the previous comments on this feature request. Seems they may have been lost in the upgrade to the new version of UseRepsonse. My apologies.

The country codes automatically prefixed to client's phone numbers in module commands is defined by the /includes/countriescallingcodes.php file.
I got the following via email, but it seems to have since been deleted.

Official response:
Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback. The phone number should be entered with an area code and phone number, eg:


WHMCS handles adding any dialling codes, country codes and formatting when passing the phone number to the external APIs. This way your clients can enter their phone numbers in the way they'd dial it when calling from their own country and don't have to worry about complicted syntax.

So in response to this, I can say that WHMCS DOES not add the country code, we had to explicitly EXCLUDE the country code because of this issue, and then edit it afterwards manually.
Even if WHMCS did add the country code, how would WHMCS even know what country code to add ? quite often we have customers whose contact phone number is in a different country to the billing address.
Yes, the phone number should be international, because some clients are from one country and have a phone number from another country.
As WHMCS uses the phone country code from the country of the client, if you write the phone number in international format (with 00 at the beginning, not +), the system adds the country code to it when registering a domain name and the number is not correct then.