Right now when a client signs up there is no gender field. So when sending out an email you can't address the recipient with "Dear sir lastname" or Dear madam lastname".
So this is a very simple request to add a gender field to the clients as well as contacts.
Illegal where I am. Perhaps this might be an optional feature that can be disabled in the settings (if it's considered)?
5th October 18
Thanks for your response. But a custom field like that is hard to integrate with the cart order form. When a client signs up and fills out his details i don't want a blank gender field.
Official Response
5th October 18
Hi there,
This could be achieved today with a Custom Client Field to obtain the client's gender, then in your email template, use some conditional logic to display the appropriate salutation based upon their selection, eg:
{if $client_custom_field_gender eq 'Male'}
Dear Mr {$client_last_name},
{elseif $client_custom_field_gender eq 'Female'}
Dear Ms {$client_last_name},
Dear Mx {$client_last_name}
Alternatively, create the custom client field for "Salutation" and ask the customer to choose their preferred option; Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mx etc, and just include that directly in email tempaltes, EG:
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This could be achieved today with a Custom Client Field to obtain the client's gender, then in your email template, use some conditional logic to display the appropriate salutation based upon their selection, eg:
Alternatively, create the custom client field for "Salutation" and ask the customer to choose their preferred option; Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mx etc, and just include that directly in email tempaltes, EG: