As a business operator, it would be beneficial to have access to a report to audit (list) the accounts that are being counted towards the license. Basec off the WHMCS pricing page (
What counts as an Active Client?
An Active Client is defined as any client with at least one active product, service, addon or domain.
When we have asked WHMCS support how to audit this, they always suggest going to Clients, View/Search clients and then filter on Active. This, however, only filters based on the cleint's status and does not take into account if they have an active service, addon or domain.
This "seems" like a very easy report to implement, since somewhere in WHMCS it's already doing this. It would just need to be expored in report format.
Ideally the report would contain:
ID, Full Name, Company Name, Status, # services, #addon, #doamins
Thsi would then allow us to reconcile what we are being billed for.
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