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Ability to stop sending payment reminder emails for specific clients

139 Votes
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Right now we can disable sending overdue notices on a per client basis. Using the "
Don't Send Overdue Emails" option in the client profile.

When this option is selected the payment reminder emails are still being sent. Only the overdue notices are blocked.

We need an extra option to disable the payment reminder emails too since some clients have a special payment agreement with us.
Merged Ideas
    Disable Payment Reminder Notifications on a Per Account Basis
    The automated 'Payment Reminder Notification' is useful in most situations, however, for clients that have setup automated payments on the day that the invoice is due - it's a redundant reminder, and we've received a few requests to disable it. Similar to how the "Don't Send Overdue Emails" option can be set on a per account basis, a similar "Don't Send Payment Reminders" checkbox in each client's profile would also be a huge help.


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I see this being requested often. My Clients don't want the reminders / notifications.
This needs to be added asap it has been on another request for 4years
Yes please, this is important as for Payments which pulls the Provider, the Customer has nothing to do with delay of Payment.
This! Also for regular invoices.

My clients all have PayPal subscriptions and they only want the recipe of payment, they don't want the invoice.
It would be great to select which email templates cannot be sent to individual customers. We have a ton of customers that are set to mailin/check payment and we know they are sending the payment. We do not want them to get all of the reminder/suspension/termination emails that our credit card and paypal customers are receiving.