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Ability to create extra tabs in the Admin Clients Summary

120 Votes
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At times, there is need for additional information to be viewable from
the Clients Profile which can allow, by means of editable template, the
ability to store custom fields.


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The technical challenge with this request is not so much allowing tabs to be added, but it's what happens after the tab is selected. What functionality would you want to see provided to handle rendering of the tab content post-click?

Also, there are already a large number of tabs - are you running into scenarios where the tabs exceed the available horizontal space, and how are you finding the experience when that happens?
WHMCS can officialize this on the module developer documentation.
Hey guys,

With the permission of the folks over at BusyRack, I've modified the Javascript code they originally created to insert tabs in the WHMCS admin -- it should work great for both Client Summary pages and Support Tickets. We welcome pull requests to the repository if you need to modify it to work with other tabs anywhere in the admin.

You'll find the project here:


Aside from tabs at the customer profile, we would like to be able to add tabs to invoices too. For example, we're linking our invoices with accounting software and it would be helpful to display the link there too.
This is definitely a needed feature
This would be a very valuable feature, especially since you are not able to add custom fields to contacts. Plus, some clients/contacts have specific requirements. Ability to add modules for Client accounts would be a great addition.
I have to agree that this is a needed tab. My Sales and designers are constantly getting confused when to view a client's summary page and then ask, where are their tickets? To have a tab that would show all the open, closed etc just for that client would be very handy.