There are two cases in which if you are using a tokenized gateway with WHMCS that you could still be storing credit card information locally instead of at your gateway.
-A new user orders a product and pays with a non credit card gateway such as PayPal.
-They decide they would like to add a credit card to their profile, they do this from the Client Area
-At this point the credit card information isn't tokenized, it is stored locally until the first time the card is used.
-A new user orders a free product and they input credit card details.
-The credit card details are stored locally until the first time the credit card is used.
The underlying issue is WHMCS will only call the storeremote function if the user has at least one invoice set to a credit card gateway.
Featured Comment
Thanks for your continued feedback on this feature. At the time of writing, the Disable Credit Card Storage option will need to remain disabled when the following tokanisation payment gateways are in use:
However the module which use _storeremote certainly do support all the functionality you describe with the Disable Credit Card Storage option enabled:
If you are not seeing those abilities, please ensure the client's Payment Gateway is set to your tokanisation gateway module (under their Profile tab) or the most recent unpaid invoice has your tokanisation gateway set as the Payment Method. This way WHMCS knows to use the _storeremote function within the above module instead.