We are company based in European Union. Here we have to pay VAT from every received payment including credit which client deposits onto his client account as credit.
We cannot use current credit system in WHMCS because it is not fully legal in EU.
Is it possible to add some EU-friendly credit system?
1) Client adds funds/credit to his account and gets an invoice where the deposited amount is the amount WITH VAT included and only the amount WITHOUT VAT is added to his credit account.
2) When he uses credit to pay any invoice, there should be following scheme:
Merged Ideas
Have Option to Not Create Invoice When Customer Add Funds
Currently WHMCS creates an invoice when a customer add funds to their account.Can we have in the General Setting -> Invoices where we can select an option so that WHMCS doesn't generate an invoice when the customer adds funds to their account.Thanks
tax on add fund invoice
Hello,In europe, we need add tax on all invoice.So, " add fund invoice " generate invoice with tax.Thanks a lot.Luc
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<a href="https://k1gamedownload.pro/">k1gamedownload.pro</a>"
Additionally a bulk update script, if need to update the old invoices.
In both script is important to set the proper ID for the VAT custom field - read the requirements and how to create and get it
->where('fieldid', 10) // Ensure this is the correct custom field ID
Please always do sql backup before use !
EU customers which are a company registered in the EU will have also an
EU Tax ID and those customers don't have to pay the VAT TAX
It is more complex than that. I know at least one country (Spain) where national companies with EU Tax ID do pay VAT. Only foreign companies with an EU Tax ID are exempt from VAT there.
In other words WHMCS will for sure be also unusable in future for people which have to deal with EU customers - which INCLUDES by the way also WHMCS as they have to deal with EU customers themselves and are NOT allowed to NOT include the VAT TAX into the funds and are only allowed to deduct any VAT TAX actually from single customers who can't present a EU Company Tax number as all EU customers which are a company registered in the EU will have also an EU Tax ID and those customers don't have to pay the VAT TAX but for all EU customers who don't have that TAX ID the SELLER i.e. WHMCS would need to pay the 19 - 25% Taxes depending on the EU country the buyer resides (NOT where he does the purchase!!!).
I would suggest that WHMCS is changing the way how they calculate and doing their TAX math immediately to a proper and correct one.
i.e. WHMCS would need to pay the 19 - 25% Taxes depending on the EU country the buyer resides (NOT where he does the purchase!!!).
And even there is an exception rule which companies can use if there is only small revenues. If you do not make more than 10K-15K (don´t remember the correct value) a year, you can use your own countries VAT as with any other invoice too. I believe this is europe wide regulation. Should make the job easier for small companies but is simply more to consider when developing payment solutions.
Thats completely wrong!
Clients have to add Credit with an Invoice WITHOUT TAX! They pay the tax when they pay their Products and not when just load up his account. If you do this you Pay double Taxes on your side. Speak to your tax consultant or look for an consultant who know what he is doing.
#s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini { display: none !important; }
It is easy - when credit is added you have to provide Full VAT invoice
Then when credit is used on some service, just informational email needs to be send
- There was amount XXX subtracted from your credit. With no invoice action. Kinda opossite to current system.
Both ways are ok. Both ways have pro and cons
Anyway - it will be great to have credit system usable in EU, i'm waiting for it 7 years of using WHMCS..
it is liek this,
prepaid with a certain products on the prepay invoice = its a sale, you have revenue, you need to charge VAT and whmcs would nto be compliant
prepaid WITHOUT a product specified = NO VAT, no reveneue, no nothing.
this is kinda a loan/deposit/retainer VAT is only applicatble after the final invoice
until then - the money still belongs to the customer, he can at any time as to transfer it back and you have to comply (except some contracts still running and have to be charged or require that retainer but thats another legal question)
but as long you do not chargefront and speify a products no sale is taken place, therefore no revenue is taken and not VAT does apply.
The actual system is not compliant for our country. It's critical.
To be compliant, the needs to display on the invoice total lines is :
Total amount without VAT (example : 640€)
- Crédit without VAT (example: 40€)
= Total without VAT (example : 600€)
+ TVA (added to Total without VAT) (example at 20% : 120€)
TOTAL WITH TAX TO PAY (example: 720€)
Please guys at WHMCS, it's a big problem for fiscal administration and us.
We can get in deep trouble, current WHMCS credit system are to be recorded as LOANS to your company and not to be added to revenue.
If it is prepaid you customer have to pay tax over it and then it can added to revenue.
At this moment SALES TAX LIABILITY doesn't have difference between PREPAID payment and APPLIED credit payment.
So if you have 10 customer paying 100 euro credit and using it complete that year.
You will have 2000 euro revenue instead of 1000 euro.
We need that asap.. regards
We need that asap.
Regards from Germany
Because I haven't seen that TAXABLE customers/items not being taxed when ordering/automatic renewal.
Please check if you do not have TAX EXEMPT enabled for that customer.