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Translation of Ticket statuses

  • ITBear B.V. shared this idea 3 years ago
  • Support

We noticed that it is not possible to translate the ticket status to our own language.
If we do this (with some database forces), the tickets still get's put under their old name (e.g. "Customer-Reply") instead of our translation ("Antwoord van Klant").
We would like to see this in a new update.

Thanks a lot in advance!


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Hi. Yes, we found the language files. However, in the emails, it uses a variable, which does not seem to be translatable.
Hi there,
Thanks for your suggestion.

There are language strings for the default ticket statuses in the client area:

$_LANG['supportticketsstatusanswered'] = "Answered";
$_LANG['supportticketsstatusclosed'] = "Closed";
$_LANG['supportticketsstatuscustomerreply'] = "Customer-Reply";
$_LANG['supportticketsstatusinprogress'] = "In Progress";
$_LANG['supportticketsstatusonhold'] = "On Hold";

Which interface in particular would you like to see multi-lingual translations improved please?