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Support Ticket Timers

155 Votes
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We should have the ability to implement timers, just like Ubersmith.. should we need to follow up with a client (sales lead) and or support maintenance windows etc we should be able to set timers on tickets for specific time/days.


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There are a few different requests within this one feature request. We believe the primary request here is to add the ability to schedule a ticket to re-appear in the "Awaiting Reply" ticket list at a future date/time. Is this correct? Some related questions: What should happen if the ticket is already in the Awaiting Reply status at the time of the scheduled follow-up? How should an admin know that the ticket needs attention? Do there need to be email notifications about the scheduled event? Who should those go to?

just go and look at the busyrack module, this is what is required.
We sort of have this with the offical project management addon. What id like to see is better integration with support tickets the PM addon. Like the ability to create and manage PM tasks directly from a support ticket and track times per task.
I was hesitant to do so, but I purchased BusyRack's module and it works flawlessly. It accomplishes exactly what I needed: The ability to set a timer and have a ticket pop back up into my work queue exactly when I need it to. I suggested a couple improvemetns and they had a new release out within 60 days that added them. That's better than WHMCS's turnaround time on features and improvements.
Software developers should *only* devote their time to functionality that doesn't already exist. If it can be done in a module (and this has been, and flawlessly) then it should not be done in core until *all* other non-module capable features have been implemented (this is not likely to happen).
yes we need that ASAP
Would be a great idea.
This would be very helpful for us as well. Often we provide a customer with a quote and they want to wait a week or two. We would like to schedule a reminder for us to follow up. We currently do this manually via the to-do list but it's a convoluted work-around.
Improvements to the built in ticket system are always welcome and this would be great if it could be added at some stage
+1 for this feature
Is very important to offer an excellent support service and to do activities, we already use a ticket timer addon.
What new with this? Is there someone who think this issue is not important?
By the way - If we could add this timer to the calendar it will be great (like a to-do item).
We plan on buying the busyrack ticket timer module until this gets integrated into the base whmcs install. Any chance that this might get worked in some time WHMCS? :D
This feature would be extremely helpful. Especially since most major helpdesks already provide something similar
as i stated before - this issue should be part of WHMCS without the need to buy a module for that.

i'm using the module and it's o.k. - but nevertheless it should be part of the ticket system in WHMCS directly.

there should be an option to mark the ticket in which the timer was set off,
now you can change the status and so on - but i think that i'f the ticket where to be bold (like unread ticket) or maybe a different color that stay that way until you confirm that you acknowledge the timer is off (in the due time that you set the timer too) - something like an alarm clock that you should press something to stop the alarm.
would be a very usefull furute!
why does whmcs require an addon for this?

This is a very common feature of every other ticket systems i know :P

yes, we need this whmcs : that's how tickets should be working!