In BC another provinces in Canada, as well as some states in the US there is a second tax that only applies to certain services and products. The way WHMCS is setup right now if you add a second level tax it applies to everything invoiced in that Province/State. This is a big problem as we would be charging extra tax and people would not use our services. If we don't add it though than we can get investigated by the Government and fined for not collecting tax that is required by law. We really need to feature added so we can specify which products should include second level taxes, it should not be to hard there is already a check box for taxes just split out in to two boxes one to apply first level tax and one to apply second level tax.
Nick D.
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We need to be able to meet our legal obligations and only select certain products for each level of tax.
I can't seem to figure out what each item's product is when looking at the tblinvoiceitems table to even try make something.
WooCommerce really has a very powerful tax handling that I would love to see here.
Very important! I'm surprised what other Canadian companies are doing?
I'm in BC too, and I have the same PST problem too.
Let's wait with this some more and work a bit more on ...let's say... themes. That's more fun, easier and faster to see results.
I quite simply can't use it until it does things correctly.
Priorities I guess...
The ability to exempt some products from the 2nd level tax is definitely a deal breaker...
1> Can only turn tax on/off on a client level.
2> You cannot turn tax on/off for 1 Tax level only, so Tax Level 1 applies, but Tax Level 2 does not, or vice versa.
3> You can manually update an invoice with a different tax rate (so, even changing it to 0) if necessary. There is no way to turn tax on/off per product on a client account
4> Reports for tax are paltry at best. It shows a summary of tax paid (Level 1 and Level 2), but you cannot see that separation on a transaction level.
This isn't a nice to have, these are need to have. I have already submitted a ticket to this so not holding out much hope this will be addressed, but more flexibility to taxation needs to be implemented!