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on demand service renewal not triggering "service due for renewal soon" notification


I've recently activated the "On-Demand Renewals" option, leaving the default values, so 366 days for annual renewal.
It's all fine, except for the notification in the client area.

If the service is due in 9 months, for example, the client sees a notification stating "You have 1 service(s) that are due for renewal soon."

I find it bothering for the client: 9 months is NOT soon, and there is no way to give the client the possibility to renew soon without pressing him/her with that incorrect notification.

Giving the possibility to renew on demand only means that the service CAN be renewed, not that is due for renewal. I would consider it as "due" maybe after the invoice is generated only.


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Hi Michele,
Thanks for providing your feedback on this wording.

Almost all the text visible to your visitors and clients can be customised, to change this text you can create a language overrides file with this string:

$_LANG['clientAlerts']['servicesRenewingSoon'] = "You have :numberOfServices service(s) that are available for renewal soon.";

For more information, see: