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Ability to add more billing cycles than 3 years

  • james bond shared this idea 11 years ago
  • Payments/Billing

209 Votes
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This is a very important feature to allow us to add more than 3 years billing cycle in my point of view. When we sell a product like SSL, these can be sell for more than 3 year with more discount. At least up-to 7 years billing cycle is needed.

What you guys think of this feature, please do vote if you agree with me.
Merged Ideas
    Add new price for product/services
    Sometime, Customer want to by hosting in 4 years, 5 years or 10 years. But whmcs has only 1 year, 2 years, 3 years.Developer can custom prodcut/services and add new price to product.


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This is one feature that is absolutely important. We face lots of issues convincing customer to opt for maximum 3 years when they are ready to order for 5 or 10 years. It is equally difficult to convince the sales team about the whmcs limitation. It is high time, WHMCS considers this request.
I too waiting for this. Many of my customers asking me for quadrennial billing cycle.
any updates on this issue?
Obvious question! why after the totally new version was released did it not include this basic functional request which has been here for 2+ years
Namesonic wrote:When selling SSL products you can use another method of specifying as many years as you want using "one-time only" and "Configurable Options" method but this lacks the renewal reminders and doesn't do re-invoicing as a recurring product. This is an SSL Product issue and should be solved separately. Is there a SSL Product Reminder thread?

I do agree with the author and I think that we should have the ability to set the maximum # of years that our products can be offered at and accordingly supply the pricing input, or at least add up to 5 years in total.
Thank you for this tip. This seems to be the only work around at this time, and one I had not considered.
I hope WHMCS will enhance the billing cycle system, until then your "one-time only" solution is the only option to offer more than 3 years. This means we have to setup a special reminder/calendar system, so the client can be informed when the product expires... hopefully by then this feature request has received enough attention to have been included in WHMCS.
I also resell SSL cerificates, and there are great discounts available for orders over 4 and 5 years, which I cannot give to my clients at this time. This has already made me lose orders, as existing customers asked for these prices/contract terms after finding them on another SSL (re-)seller's website.
Being limited to max of 3 years sucks... ideal would be the option to setup addition (custom) billing cycles, so one could even make one for 10 years, if desired.
PLEASE make this possible WHMCS team!!
This would be very useful. Many web hosts support 5- and 10-year payment options. It would be very helpful in sales efforts.
This is critical for SSL certificates, we can't offer competitive pricing without it.
How about road map of request feature? Please update
It should be made so that we could decide how many years we need, under each product group.
It's is possible, I think not because it's a new and imagine feature if it's possible then i am waiting for this feature... I hope it launch as soon as...

I like this feature, please add this fast
I am waiting for that feature, too.
When selling SSL products you can use another method of specifying as many years as you want using "one-time only" and "Configurable Options" method but this lacks the renewal reminders and doesn't do re-invoicing as a recurring product. This is an SSL Product issue and should be solved separately. Is there a SSL Product Reminder thread?

I do agree with the author and I think that we should have the ability to set the maximum # of years that our products can be offered at and accordingly supply the pricing input, or at least add up to 5 years in total.
Like this, at least up-to 5 years billing cycle (Quinquennially) is needed.