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Gateway Display Names etc should be supported by either dynamic translation or the language files

  • Rob Macleod shared this idea 4 years ago
  • Payments/Billing

Gateway Display Names and other fields around payment gateways should all be translatable either by dynamic translation or teh language files. Taking the Stripe gateway as an example there are a number of fields and error messages which are in English and not supported by the language files or dynamic translation
ie the name you give the Stripe Gateway is what is shown on the checkout and the pay button is "Pay Now" - again not translatable.

Checkout and payment gateways are areas that can be particularly sensitive to errors due to misunderstanding if not shown in the local language


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I reported it as a bug and was told to raise a feature request by the support team after they were able to recreate the fact that the interface and Pay Now Button is always in English as it is “By design”
Should be but isn’t
Hi Rob,
Thanks for your feature suggestion.

Just to speak to the Stripe error message portion of this idea. The default behaviour of the Stripe Elements implementation we use is to show the interface and error messages in the locale of the visitor's browser, so the translations of this text will change automatically visitors with other browser locales.