How can we improve WHMCS?

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Control: Cash flow and accounts payable and receivable

  • romluc shared this idea 12 years ago
  • Admin Area

have a flow control for administrative accounts payable and accounts receivable, as well as all connected to a cash flow and may even perform manual entries etc in this stream.


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Now you have a big chance to make your wish come true. We are running Modules Contest which will emerge one module that we create and officially release. KashFlow For WHMCS module is on the list! Vote for it and if it will receive the biggest amount of votes, we will release it and you will receive a 25% discount for its purchase.

Vote Here!
I support this feature since it enable us to manage amount in as well amount out against every customer/service easily along with that we can monitor the expenses and per client profit easily.
This is something I have been asking for for years. We really need more intensive accounting functionality in WHMCS.
Evan Oberman wrote:We process orders hardware for clients through WHMCS. Often times simply invoicing for the cost of the product. It would be great to easily make a note that we paid for the product and this is reimbursement.
Ok Evan, help disseminate this solution. Thanks
We process orders hardware for clients through WHMCS. Often times simply invoicing for the cost of the product. It would be great to easily make a note that we paid for the product and this is reimbursement.